Reports & Documents

Reports & Documents

We want our residents and business owners to know what we’re doing and what they need to do to stay in compliance with Youngstown’s bylaws and policies. By making our reports and documents accessible to the general public, the Village of Youngstown ensures that we’re transparent and accountable and holds our residents accountable as well. This helps us ensure our village is safe and comfortable for everyone.

Council Meetings

Council meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings and it is requested that those wanting to bring a matter to the council give 24 hours notice in order to be added to the agenda.


Organizational Meeting

Bylaws and Policies

In Alberta, the Municipal Government Act authorizes municipalities to enact bylaws to govern our actions. Municipal policies guide our day to day work. Here are some of our bylaws and policies, for more information contact the Village Office.


As our community grows, careful planning allows us to ensure that we are appropriately managing land and infrastructure to continue to prosper. Our Municipal Development Plan helps guide our decisions.



It’s important that our residents’ taxpayer dollars are being used efficiently and effectively. Each year, Council plans, budgets, and reports on our spending. To ensure transparency and accountability, our financial statements are audited each year and shared with the public.